The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book

I came across this resource in my daily updates email from Diigo in Education group (even if you don’t use Diigo, signing up for an Educator account so you can get this daily list is well worth it!).

This 121 page PDF  is, in the author’s words (pg. 11) :

The purpose of this booklet is to give you some practical ideas about the kinds of things you can do with Web 2.0 technology. Please note: this was not intended to be a compilation of projects using cutting edge applications. I simply invited teachers to share what they have been doing.

Projects are grouped by grade level.  I was particularly interested in one project where six-year-olds were tweeting on

Check the book out here, on the author’s website:

SMART Software for every classroom

One of the great things about this software is that teachers do not need the actual SMART Board to use this software. In this presentation I highlight just a small portion of the vast array of images and interactive tools that are available.  This software allows teachers to bring the classroom to life in an easy format.  Novices to experts will love the ease of this software.  The presentations can be saved and uploaded or exported in several different formats.  The images I have in this presentation are only the beginning of what can be done using this software.  This podcast touches upon Math, Science, English, Special Needs, Geography, History and more!

Making Your Own Screen Recordings

Free and Easy with Jing

If you know even the slightest thing about computers, this has probably happened to you. Your friend, colleague, student, or worse yet, your mom, emails and asks, “How do I enter a formula in Microsoft Excel?”

Your heart fills with dread at the thought of numerous screen shots, spreadsheet lingo that will never be understood,  and thesis-length instructions that you know will never be read, followed by numerous emails, instant messages, and phone calls.

“If only I could show how it’s done,” you sigh, “without paying a lot of money for software.”

Jing to the rescue – for free!

With Jing, free software from Techsmith, you can capture your computer screen and voice narration with a couple of click of the mouse.  A couple more clicks at the end, and your video will uploaded to your personal 2GB of free storage space on and you will have a ready to email link before you know it.

See how easy it is: screenflow is a free website to help you create presentations. It is fun, fast paced and easy to use. Screenflow is a free website available for teachers to use to create interactive quizzes. It’s fun, easy, engaging and free!